You’re not Alone

Pilonidal cysts, which form in the crease of the buttocks, are common – more than 70,000 cases are reported each year in the U.S. and many others likely go unreported because people are embarrassed to bring them up. Unfortunately, there are limited treatment options when it comes to keeping these elusive cysts under control.


The most appropriate type of surgery remains debatable due to mixed research outcomes. For example, one of the most common surgical techniques was found to be limited by high recurrence rates – nearly 63%.

Other surgical techniques leave the wound open, which requires much longer recovery times. Studies of these techniques have shown that more than 20% of the incisions were still not healed at three months post-surgery.


Deep skin infections, often associated with pilonidal cysts, are hard to reach with antibiotics due to poor blood supply – and repeated exposure has been shown to promote bacterial resistance.

People with resistant infections often require significantly longer hospital stays and more frequent visits to their healthcare providers.

Home Remedy

Warm compresses are the most-recommended DIY option for pilonidal cysts. Direct heat can reduce inflammation and promote blood flow to the cyst, which may help drain fluid or pus.

A warm compress poses fewer safety concerns, but it does generally impact quality of life, since it requires four to five applications per day.

Enough is Enough

Pilonidal sinus disease, and the current treatment associated with it, has caused significant morbidity and substantial burden to patients' quality of life.
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Support Groups

When Mark was initially burdened with a pilonidal cyst, he discovered the vast resource that was his fellow sufferers. Their knowledge and experiences, shared on blogs and within forums, contribute enormously to others’ education. Their single most impressive contribution, though, is how they seem to fill others with a sense of community, comfort, and strength. Join the conversation and see for yourself.